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Friday, February 20, 2015

Lying negative behavior many risks

Lying negative behavior many risks

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If a child is deliberately avoid telling the truth or speak character or invented what did not happen with the transfer of exaggeration in what happened or feign facts did not fall, it was said that he characterized the behavior of lying, a learned behavior from the environment in which the other pole  live (honesty)  would beget nor that of the Secretariat, lying abnormal social behavior leads (if not produced) to many social problems such as lack of respect for a friend, and treason

Deliberately false and that behavior to cover the mistakes and guilt, or even crime as in the case of juvenile delinquents or get rid of the punishment. Associated with theft and lying and cheating, Behind each of them lies the Secretariat, because lying to say dishonesty, theft and dishonesty in society and the rights of its members and cheating falsification of reality to say or do

And pre-school children holders age three to before the six years of overvaluation that half the behavior of lying, although they invent and distort speech and unleash their imagination in matters have no basis in fact, has been confused between reality and fantasy, and may not characterized them with younger age (the beginning of this period ) and children of this age group are resorting to lying to deceive and deliberately to dodge

Lying in the early years of the child need, but need but must reservation to that view if the behavior exaggerated If lying is telling others what is known as it is contrary to the truth, or is the deliberate falsification intent to fraud or deception, it is difficult to find it in children before the fifth due not to distinguish them the truth about false if not for a lack of understanding and perceptions

Forms of lying

1 lying fantasy

There is when some children Capacity in fantasy motivated to invent situations and stories do not weave any of them in the basis of fact, it's things Alvgaha child until he finds himself among the others do not ignore around it ignored at all, does not distinguish that one sex over the other, but both of them can submerged in a series of fabrications when narrowing any of them trick or when he can not be involved with his group, but little or no extent, while there is a desire to achieve status and maturity of male and noted, this conveys those children through imagination and on the wings of pictures lined disappointment and boredom to image surrounded by a sense of achievement and self-realization on illusions and desires and acts of Lisp in fact.

2 lie confusion

Child resort to lying sometimes unintentionally, and so confused when it really does not help his memory on the narrative details, deletes and adds each other in proportion to the mental and potential, and of course all that distinguishes it from the imagination and dreams and safety or suffering. This kind of lying resolves on its own, when it reaches the mental capabilities of a child to the level of awareness of the details can remember elements. The sequence of events, and we can say that this kind of lying innocent and does not involve any deviation in behavior.

3 Aladeaúa lie and lie boasting

Some of the children who do not feel inferior resort to compensation self Ptfajam in front of others, and that exaggerating the real Moadahm with own or belonging or with the aim of strengthening the position and brought the center of peers, or the aim of the desire to control, have the child rich family and great position for his father claims.

The allegation of child illness for not going to Rodth to school, or that he had a severe pain in the stomach or head involves all under lying Aladeaúa, and the goal is to get a bigger share of the care and attention and affection. Overall, the child resorts to this kind of lying to cover feelings of inferiority or weakness through pride or bragging or suffering.

4 defensive lying (Alantfai)

It is the most common types and forms of lying common among children, and these children aims to prevent death will fall on them, such as charging a child younger brother or a broken glass vase, has resorted to the child to get rid of an awkward position are attributed to other events.

5 lying tradition (simulation).

Some children resort to this type of emulator around him who make this behavior in some transactions, for example, a child who seems to imitate the exaggeration of the parents or one method, which is the cause of the most common reasons to lie.

6 lied pleasure

And sometimes practiced by the child sees that he can mix things great and signed by the person in some situations, or resist the strict authority, and this type of exercise lying unconscious way?

7 malicious lie

The child may resort to even bother lying around him, to his sense that he felt wronged or jealousy, which is controlled by the result of others for concessions.

8 lied aggressive negative

And the child is impersonating excuses untrue or exaggerated to remain passive when they ask him to do something or achieve the goal.

9 lied to attract attention when a child loses interest in him despite his manners sincere or normal, it may resort to non-sincere behavior even gain interest and attention.

10 patients lying

And the child resorts to lying in a manner not unconscious, and in the range outside his control, has this kind of lying to the children insisted in late childhood, and remain so until adolescence or even adulthood, or the child resorts to masterly deliberate lying disorder behavior included linked to other problems such as theft or escape from the school.

If it was possible rating lying to those forms or species, it is possible that interacts two types of lying or more yields a composite form of a lie. In any case, the behavior modification lying if I feel the scope or involuntary much easier than treating this behavior if its image in sick.


Behind lie a number of factors, including:

1 family

A good example here are important, and the example is good to receive the child to this deviant behavior, the young adults in the exercise lying style in their daily Watching longer effective sources in the practice and support this behavior has, when a child finds a parent or adult brothers, for example, says anyone who knocks on the door or telephone connection that does not exist or is busy now while this claim or see the great absent from work to spend some things and claims to his boss that he was sick, all this makes the child take such actions behaviors to address some of his positions.

Parental separation could lead to the child lives in a new family setting or with a parent or a new or her methods of dealing, and take the child from a lie and a way to address some of the things or the rigors of the treatment of one or both parents in the treatment of children, when given any errors or discrimination in the treatment of children the child was actually rushes him to the punishment lying slur on his brother to avenge him due to his sense Highlight one or both parents to this brother.

2 escape from punishment

When the penalty shall be of the real action is threatened entity child and threatened the loss of emotional bond, and then security, the resort is lying, as we see in front of authoritarian practices in some schools and kindergartens or negative parental treatment methods.

3 feeling of inferiority worker aims compensation amid peers, especially strangers.

4 boosters

Divided into Tazbz intentional adults as one whose one or both parents justifications child for some positions and mistakes they know they lied or they pay to say lying in front of the teacher or the school so as not located him Akab.ohna promote unintentional, such as the ratification of the father or teacher of the child say with no Truth so that it can accept the excuse.

Overcome the problem of lying methods:

When a child case study exercises lying behavior must keep in mind the following question:

Is the child lie without fear of punishment or avoid physical abuse?

Should also consider the following:

1 punishment and misleading way to modify the behavior of lying

Support the idea that the recognition error not of defects and honesty in telling events also took place leads to override punishment

2 availability of role models in practice behaviors sincere.

3 to provide stories for children on the results of a lie and what is the liar of punishment in this world and the other.

4 not to alarm parents as well as children in the preschool and preferably parents explain to children the difference between fantasy and reality.

5 some contempt for the child because it reduces the concept of self-support and the same has to show superiority citizen confidence and support.

6 away from the cruelty when committing errors by the young and non-discrimination in the treatment of brotherhood.

7 away from the fun of the child or reprimanded for trivial reasons.

8 Review psychiatric clinics in the case of lying sick with not telling the close of the child Bmchklth or behaviors, and may need it to Systemic therapy focuses on the understanding of the family structure and dynamics, in order to change some of the most family interactions contribute to the emergence of lying to the child, and sometimes it needs to sessions regularly for more than a month with the child's family to give information and observations about his behavior, and implement special methods inside the house and called the training: remedial training for parents.

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